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Triangle Angles

Utilize the fact that the sum of angles in a triangle is 180. You may need pencil and paper.

Sample Problems for Triangle AnglesLesson for Triangle Angles

This topic aligns to the following state standards

Grade 6: Geo 4.6.1 Measure angles; identify, describe by properties, classify, compare, and draw regular and irregular quadrilaterals; find the sum of the interior angles of triangles and quadrilaterals.
Grade 6: Geo 4.6.7 Determine the measures of missing angles of triangles based on the Triangle Sum Theorem (the sum of the interior angles of a triangle equals 180 degrees).
Grade 12: Mea 3.12.5 Use relationships (e.g., proportions) and formulas (indirect measurement) to determine the measurement of unknown dimensions, angles, areas, and volumes to solve problems.

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